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3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Treatments and Managements (3rd SWTM-2023)

2023年02月11日 10:09  点击:[]



This international conference will focus on recent developments in the frontier areas of Solid Waste Management Biotechnology and will bring together scientists, engineers and other experts across the world to deliberate on global developments in the fields of Recycling, Biofuels and Bio[1]products, Biotechnology for waste conversion, Nanotechnology applications, Novel product developments, Industrial bioengineering, Greenhouse gases generation and mitigation, Biophysical technologies etc. It is planned as a major event to be held at NWAFU, Yangling, China during July 28-31, 2023 with the participation of a large number of active researchers from all over the world. The conference is envisaged to provide a unique platform to the participants from industries and academic institutions to share their thoughts and views to develop possible linkages among them. It will also serve the purpose of global networking among them and help in creating

a nucleus of interface research.

上一条:2023第六届农业科学与生物技术国际会议 下一条:2023 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICBCB)
